Gold, MMORPGs, H1N1 What Will Kill You First

2010.01.18. 22:21 lifeless | szólj hozzá

Ez a cikk címe, amit az mmosite egyik felhasználója írt, ami egy érdekes témával, ill. kérdéssel foglalkozik.

Íme a cikk:

There's only 3 things that can kill the world of men and that would be MMORPGs Gold and Swine Flu A.K.A H1N1. You're wondering how these can kill you its really easy to understand how these three things call kill you.

I'm going to start off by talking about MMORPGs. When these online games first came out there where only a few one of them was ultima online this game first came out in 1995. then guys started playing for hours on end with there online life when they should be spending there time with these wifes or girlfriends. After awhile ultima online got the nick name of widow maker because the men playing spent all there life on this game. While other online games came out this became a growing problem. The MMORPG gamer market are mostly men. I don't know when this started but male mmo players started to play as female chars then started to flirt with female players this is known as e-cheatting. ( I have done this myself but it was never found out) Men mmo players that keep spending there time on these games they will never spend special time where there wifes or girlfriends that means no love making and no kids.

Gold MMORPGs H1N1 what will kill you first?

Gold is another killer because when people want to get ahead in a MMORPG they go cheat and buy gold to get the best things in the MMORPG they're playing. Then a Gold MMORPGs H1N1 what will kill you first?player starts buying more gold till they blow all there money till it gets so bad they're forced to sell there cars. There life partner is forced to leave them. The gold buyer is forced to leave there place and made to go homeless. Who said gold buying is harmless. I haven't seen this problem with my own eyes but I'm sure it has happened somewhere in the world.

H1N1 A.K.A Swine flu this can be a problem if you come in contact with a sick pig or a person who has N1H1. I don't know much about the virus even those its been allover the news. I just stay away from pigs and people who are sick. This didn't work out because I been sick for the last 3 days but it wasn't the H1N1 think goodness. I heard if you drink Vitamin C You will get over the N1H1 in a week but I wouldn't recommend it because it could kill you the best way to get over the virus is going to a doctor or hospital.

Gold MMORPGs H1N1 what will kill you first?
Gold MMORPGs H1N1 what will kill you first?

This article is about what will kill you first it seems like all three will kill you so people go out with your lover and have a great time so you don't die broke, homeless and lone.

Forrás: mmosite

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