How to Pick a Girl Gamer

2010.02.04. 21:07 lifeless | szólj hozzá

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Video games are no longer a male dominated hobby, as the years go by it is more and more common for girls to be playing games. They are not only playing these games, but they are doing just as well as any of their rival male counterparts. The myth of "There's no girls on the interwebs" is becoming more of a sarcastic remark by the day.

There is still a stigma around girls playing MMO's, and a lot of drama can arise around their presence. Over the duration of this article we are going to take a look at the different kinds of females that are playing MMO's. It is interesting what females will do to get ahead or just get by.
There are several different groups that female gamers fall under within the MMO world, and I'm sure a lot of you readers have run into just about all of them. So lets take a look at the different types of girls.

Guy In Real Life (G.I.R.L)

Guy In Real Life (G.I.R.L)

Everyone has come across more of these than they can count, they are the guys playing female toons and trying to scam you out of gold. They can generally be found in Major Cities or areas where a lot of players gather for conversation. They target the lonely players who desperately want the attention of a female player.

The easiest way to pick these is rather obvious, their toons are naked and generally offering "dances" for gold. The more cunning ones tend to try act like a girl and hit on you, in order for you to fall for them and pay for items etc.

Center of Attention

Center of Attention

Now these girls are the easiest to pick out of all the types we have here today. This is mainly because they want it to be known to everyone that they are a girl, and that they play games. These are usually the first ones to talk on vent, and put on a cute voice. You will notice they tend to rise up in ranks in their guilds quite easily, and everyone pays for their items, mounts etc.

They try to focus all the guilds attention on them, and are generally the first to start a fight when another girl joins the guild. These girls generally lack self confidence, and MMO's help them get the attention they desire.

Girl Undercover

Girl Undercover

These girls are generally the hardest to pick. The Girl Undercover doesn't want the attention from the guys that a G.I.R.L would try target and will usually pretend to be a male player to get by without being hassled.

These girls are usually quite attractive and can get by without anyone ever finding out they are a girl. If they are found out they have usually worked themselves into a tight-knit group already and don't have to deal with the normal harassment girls receive from guy gamers.

They don't ask for anything in games, and generally just want to play. This isn't always the case though, they can sometimes be worse than the Center of Attention girls.

Now while alot of girls may have their own groups, and they may not fall into these 3, I have met alot of female gamers both online and in person that do fit into these categories. While these are the three most dominant categories, what other categories do you gamers see often in your adventures?

Forrás: mmosite

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